Homelessness funded agencies are meeting with MP’s next week in Homelessness Week 2-7th August to ask members to the sign the Pledge for Social Housing.
What can you do?
Ring, email or write to your local Members of Parliament to tell them that Every Victorian Needs a Home. The Barwon South West Homelessness Network website has resources and local data on homelessness you can use when contacting your local Member. A quick phone call or a short email to let your local Members of Parliament know that you are concerned about homelessness in your area is powerful. You can ask that they priortise fixing Victoria’s housing crisis.
The Age – 28th July- Hotel stays for 2,000 homeless extended until April under $150m package
The Standard- 17th July- Hundreds of ‘priority cases’ waiting for social housing in south-west, homelessness parliamentary inquiry hears
Housing Info- 17th July- Melbourne’s tower lockdowns reveal the precarious future of Victorian public housing
Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry Homelessness Hearing – Barwon and South West Region was held yesterday. The transcripts will be available will be available in the coming weeks.
The Guardian- 19th June- ‘We don’t know how many time bombs are ticking’: Australia’s rent deferral debt trap
ABC News- 17th July- Uncertainty looms for homeless Victorians in hotel accommodation during coronavirus crisis
ABC News- 16th July- Build Community Housing to help beat the COVID-19 recession, Federal Government urged
G21 News-Region faces social housing crisis
PRObono News- 15th July- Push for national COVID-19 response to address rough sleeping
PRObono News- 14th July – Charity sector calls for JobSeeker to be raised permanently
AHURI- July 2020- Strategic planning, ‘city deals ‘ and affordable housing
PRObono News- 17th July- Vulnerable groups missing out on COVID-19 support
ABC News- 20th July- Concerns about positive COVID-19 cases in Victorian prison system
ABC News-18th July- As debate rages over coronavirus supplements, almost 2.5 million people could find themselves in poverty
APO- 13th July- The prevalence of domestic violence among women during the COVID-19 pandemic
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test Isolation and Worker Support Payments-
Justice Connect- Dear Landlord
SHS training calendar for Semester Two (online courses open to all across the State- get in quick)
SAFV Centre- Breaking the Binary Code research project
MARAM practice guides and resources
Victorian LGBTIQ Strategy– Consultation is open until 3rd August
Women with Disabilities Victoria- New Resources – Family Violence for Women with Disabilities Guides
RMIT/Unison Report- Staying Home? Examining long term housing outcomes of the Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP).
Homelessness Australia Submission to the Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs Inquiry into Homelessness in Australia
Funded Agency Channel- Program requirements for family violence crisis brokerage (FVCB)
MH Vic- Semester Two training calendar
Diversitat- Information videos in a number of community languages on COVID19
DHHS- Guidance for coronavirus planning (COVID-19) in the Community Sector
Red Cross- Covid Connect is new service for people who are socially isolated to receive a call
CHIA Vic- 12th August- Preparing and presenting at VCAT by phone and zoom $250/$270
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
FEED Geelong– Where can I get emergency food in Geelong
Tenants Victoria- Residential Tenancies Update
Consumer Affairs Victoria- the rental laws are changing
COVID-19 health advice https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions
MARAM Brief and Intermediate response online training for Mental Health/Homelessness/AOD workers through the Centre for Excellence training will be on-line those that have registered for the face to face delivery have been contacted directly request that they register for the online delivery.
VCOSS and DHHS-Community Services COVID-19 Digital Forum 6th August from 1.00pm
The current public health advice,
- An update on masks, face coverings and travel restrictions,
- Advice on service delivery during lockdowns,
- Reflections on high-density living scenario planning, and
- Discussion on pandemic mental health challenges.
Speakers include senior representatives from the Victorian Chief Health Office, Emergency Management Victoria, DHHS and VCOSS
Federal Government Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence due on 24th July
CHIA Vic Conference the 27th & 28th April, 2021
AHURI National Homelessness Conference in Canberra on 10-12 August registrations are on hold until a date can be arranged for 2021.