The Conversation- 22nd June- ‘Confusing and not delivering enough’: developers and councils want new affordable housing rules.
The Age- 13th June- How the shock of COVID-19 could end street homelessness in Victoria
PRObono News- 18th June- Vulnerable Aussies families’ invisible to the homelessness system
The Conversation- 11th June- Life on welfare isn’t what most people think it is
The Conversation- 10th June- If Australia really wants to tackle mental health after coronavirus, we must take action on homelessness
The Age- 12th June- Extra $9.8 to extend hotel stays for homeless, help find them a home
Media Release- 13th June- Hearts and Homes Helping Through Coronavirus
ACCOSS Media Release- A permanent increase in JobSeeker needed to keep 1.6 million out of poverty
The Guardian- 18th June- Experts warn of housing ‘time bomb’ when COVID rent laws expire and welfare halves
ABC News- 18th June- Home Builder grants for people ‘who can afford a $700K home ‘frustrate Gippsland welfare workers’.
The Guardian- 10th June- Homelessness: Can the COVID-19 crisis help end rough sleeping in Australia for good?
Domain- 12th June- Just 2 per cent of Victorian rental households have registered a rent reduction, figures show
Homelessness Australia Submission to the Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs Inquiry into Homelessness in Australia
Anglicare Rental Affordability Snapshot – 29th April – 2020 Rental Report
AHURI- June 2020- An effective homelessness service system
Funded Agency Channel- Program requirements for family violence crisis brokerage (FVCB)
MH Vic- Semester Two training calendar
Diversitat- Information videos in a number of community languages on COVID19
DHHS- Guidance for coronavirus planning (COVID-19) in the Community Sector
City of Greater Geelong Social Housing Plan 2020-2041- Recommended Strategies and Actions
Red Cross- Covid Connect is new service for people who are socially isolated to receive a call
Institute of Community Directors – Diploma of Governance (scholarships of $1,000 are available)
CHIA Vic- 28th July– Introduction to Community Housing (for new workers in homelessness and community housing) $250/$270
CHP- Make Social Housing Work report
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
With Respect- COVID-19 and Family Violence for LGBTIQ+ people
FEED Geelong– Where can I get emergency food in Geelong
Tenants Victoria- Residential Tenancies Update
SHS training calendar for Semester One (online courses open to all across the State- get in quick)
Consumer Affairs Victoria- the rental laws are changing
The Specialist Homelessness Sector Transition Plan Hub update on progress
COVID-19 health advice
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions
MARAM Brief and Intermediate response online training for Mental Health/Homelessness/AOD workers through the Centre for Excellence training will be on-line those that have registered for the face to face delivery have been contacted directly request that they register for the online delivery.
VCOSS – DHHS COVID-19 Community Services Digital Forum 1.00pm Thursday 2nd July
Engage Victoria- Call for Submissions: Monitoring the Family Violence Reforms (closes 12th July)
CHIA Vic Conference the 27th & 28th April, 2021
AHURI National Homelessness Conference in Canberra on 10-12 August registrations are on hold until a date can be arranged for 2021.