Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 09 Jun 2020


The Sydney Morning Herald- 8th June- NSW launches $36 million to get rough sleepers into homes
The Conversation- 1st June- Money for social housing, not home buyers grants, is the key to construction stimulus
The Sydney Morning Herald- 3rd June- Social Housing package proposed as government finalises new home grants
The Guardian- 28th May- ‘It sucks’: homeless Victorians asked to help pay for lockdown hotels
ABC News- 17th May- International students in hardship due to coronavirus a ‘looming humanitarian crisis’, advocates say
APO News- 3rd June- Will Australian charities be COVID-19 casualties or partners in recovery? A financial health check
APO News- 29th May- More than isolated: the experience of children and young people with a disability and their families during COVID-19 pandemic
Launch Housing- 29thMay – Sign the Petition to house Melburnians in crisis
ABC Opinion-29th May- Can Australia build its way out of the coronavirus economic slump, with public housing the priority?



Diversitat- Information videos in a number of community languages on COVID19
DHHS- Guidance for coronavirus planning (COVID-19) in the Community Sector
City of Greater Geelong Social Housing Plan 2020-2041- Recommended Strategies and Actions
Red Cross- Covid Connect is new service for people who are socially isolated to receive a call
Institute of Community Directors – Diploma of Governance (scholarships of $1,000 are available)
CHIA Vic- 28th July– Introduction to Community Housing (for new workers in homelessness and community housing) $250/$270
Justice Connect – Closing the revolving door -12mths of stopping the cycle between imprisonment and homelessness
Funded Agency Channel- 19th May- Updated Family Violence crisis brokerage guidelines
CHP- Make Social Housing Work report
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
With Respect- COVID-19 and Family Violence for LGBTIQ+ people
FEED Geelong Where can I get emergency food in Geelong (see attachment)
Tenants Victoria- Residential Tenancies Update
SHS training calendar for Semester One (online courses open to all across the State- get in quick)
Consumer Affairs Victoria- the rental laws are changing
The Specialist Homelessness Sector Transition Plan Hub update on progress
COVID-19 health advice
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Advice in a disaster information on housing, evictions and tenants in crisis
Health Translations for people from diverse backgrounds
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions
MARAM Brief and Intermediate response online training for Mental Health/Homelessness/AOD workers through the Centre for Excellence training will be on-line those that have registered for the face to face delivery have been contacted directly request that they register for the online delivery.


AHURI – 11th June Improving apartments and neighbourhoods for lower-income Australians


Engage Victoria- Call for Submissions: Monitoring the Family Violence Reforms (closes 12th July)
The Victorian Homelessness Inquiry is still taking submissions due to COVID-19 it has been extended
CHIA Vic Conference the 27th & 28th April, 2021
The Federal Government Inquiry into Homelessness submissions due 12th June
AHURI National Homelessness Conference in Canberra on 10-12 August registrations are on hold until a date can be arranged for 2021.

Previous news updates…

Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 7 November 2024

Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 7 November 2024

SOURCE: Homes Vic Regional Housing Fund Please join our petition to the City of Greater Geelong. There are over 7,000 households on priority applications on the Victorian Housing Register (VHR) in the Barwon broadbands. This petition is to support the urgency of...

Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 24 October 2024

Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 24 October 2024

SOURCE: ABC News- 17 October- The stereotype that single mothers are ‘leaning on the system’ is far from the truth. So why does it still exist? Please join our petition to the City of Greater Geelong. There are over 7,000 households on priority applications on the...

Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 18 September 2024

Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 18 September 2024

SOURCE: First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria – Treaty for Victoria Please join our petition to the City of Greater Geelong. There are over 7,000 households on priority applications on the Victorian Housing Register (VHR) in the Barwon broadbands. This petition is to...




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