SOURCE: Victorian Homelessness Network webpage
The Saturday Paper – to 5 July- Exclusive: Labor is letting housing charities fail
Victorian Government Media release- 12 July- More Frontline Workers To Address Family Violence
Victorian Government Media release- 11 July- New Program to Provide Homes First For Victorians
ABC News- 5 July- Heated property market sends Victoria’s public housing market rents soaring
ABC News- 4 July- Landlords warn NSW government’s proposed no-grounds eviction ban will backfire on tenants
ABC News- 3 July- ‘Build more houses’ sure sounds great as a solution to the housing crisis, but a few key factors scream ‘buyer beware’
News Angle- Winter edition- Homelessness Week 5-11 August
The Guardian- 24 June- Should Australia recognize housing as a human right? Two crossbenchers are taking up the cause
ABC News- 29 June- Domestic violence services plead for more help to save rural women from being killed, abused
ABC News- 30 June- Homelessness in bitter winter means mouldy, damp and wet conditions for rough sleepers
ABC News- 30 June- Do you love renting? Does it make you feel patriotic?
ABC News- 1 July – Seventeen more women killed by men than this same time last year, government launches intimate partner homicide counter
Disability Advocacy Resource Unit website
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Homelessness Australia- How UK welfare reforms fuelled a homelessness crisis 16 July 4-5pm
Homelessness Australia- Towards safe supported housing in a changing NDIS 31 July 11.00-12.30
Homelessness Australia- Ending homelessness for families and children 5 August 12.15-2.00pm
Homelessness Australia- Sector Briefing: Legislating a National Housing and Homelessness Plan 22 July 12-1pm
Tenants Victoria Renters Rights Rundown recording of Minimum rental standards, thermal comfort and energy efficiency
Exploring Barwon: Respectful Relationships 30 July 10.00-10.45
Centre for culture, ethnicity & health– Understanding unconscious bias: Creating a safe space for support – 18th July 12- 12.30
AHURI- The future of rental affordability – 18 July at 1.00pm
Engage Victoria – Minimum Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses closes 1 July
Australian Zero Homelessness Summit– 16th October Fremantle WA
No to Violence National Conference 2-5 September Melbourne
AHURI- Australian Homelessness Conference -13 and 14 August at the Adelaide Convention Centre and free lived experience tickets/accommodation and flights application
Barwon South West Homelessness Network- Increase public and community housing sign the petition
Engage Victoria- Developing a Plan for Victoria– open until 30 August. Housing is one of the four pillars- this is your chance show support for mandatory inclusionary zoning and 30% social housing on all government land.