SOURCE: APO- Anglicare Australia rental affordability snapshot: national report 2024
The Guardian- 30 April- Victorian Greens shape up for housing fight over Labor’s proposed Airbnb levy
ABC News- 29 April- Renters are becoming more aware of rights, but it can mean long waits at tribunal- and not always winning
ABC News- 28 April- Deaths of dozens of Australian women this year trigger mass protests across the country
ABC News- 28 April- Housing density has surged across Australia’s cities, yet home prices keep hitting fresh records
ABC News – 28 April- Victorian government unveils plans to build more than 70,000 homes above Suburban Rail Loop precinct
ABC News- 28 April- Sleeping pods for homeless people sitting empty at Launceston storage facility
ABC News- 26 April- Raise JobSeeker by $17 a day, advisory committee tells government
ABC News- 27 April- Donations to regional clothing initiative dry up as retail sector struggles in Victoria
ABC News- 26 April- Labor’s Barwon South MP Darren Cheeseman accused of inappropriate behaviour
ABC News- 26 April- More than 43,000 kids under 10 seek homelessness support a year- what’s being done for them?
ABC News- 25 April- Domestic violence commissioner calls national roundtable to assess number of women’s deaths, says conversation is shifting
The Conversation- 24 April- Our housing system is broken and the poorest Australians are being hardest hit
ABC News- 24 April- Rent bidding is still occurring despite promised crackdowns across Australia
The Guardian- 23 April – ‘Finding it impossible’: homelessness services see 14% jump in employed Victorians seeking help
The Guardian- 19 March– Victoria under pressure to mandate reporting of homelessness deaths
ABC News- 22 April- Small- town shame preventing loved ones of people battling addictions from getting support
ABC News- 20 April– Jacinda Ardern slashed negative gearing in NZ. The new government has brought it back
ABC News- 24 April- Tiny homes to help ease national housing crisis in councils’ spotlight with development consent relaxed
Victorian Government- Update from your new Social Services Regular
Tenants Victoria- Make Social Housing Work
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Homelessness Australia- Holistic responses to homeless young people -3 May 2.45-3.45pm
Homelessness Australia – Dependence and autonomy– 9 May 12.30-1.30pm
No to Violence National Conference 2-5 September Melbourne
AHURI- Australian Homelessness Conference -13 and 14 August at the Adelaide Convention Centre
Everybody’s Home – People’s Commission into the Housing Crisis
Barwon South West Homelessness Network- Increase public and community housing sign the petition
Engage Victoria- Developing a Plan for Victoria– open until June. Housing is one of the four pillars- this is your chance show support for mandatory inclusionary zoning and 30% social housing on all government land.

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