SOURCE: ABC News- 30th November– How do you transition thousands of homeless people out of coronavirus hotel accommodation?
The Age- 25th November- Budget’s big social housing plan lacks public housing pillar
The Age- 1st December- ‘I want to be safe’: Angst as homeless told to exit hotels
RMIT University- November 2020- NLASN Homelessness Response to COVID-19
The Conversation- 18th November- Victoria’s $5.4bn Big Housing Build: it is big, but the social housing challenge is bigger
The Conversation- 2nd December- Fear’s for Melbourne’s homeless forced out of COVID hotel accommodation
PRObono News- 2nd December-Australia’s rental affordability crisis remains despite COVID welfare boost
PRObono News- 2nd December- The time is right for the public and private sector to come together to solve homelessness
Housing for the Aged Action Group – November 2020- Public housing and community housing: comparing the rights of older tenants in Victoria
Family Reconciliation and Mediation Program Community of Practice (FRMP CoP)-26th November
Policy coordination and housing outcomes during COVID– 5th November
Tenants Victoria- 14th October- Changes to Tenancy Law and Family Violence recording (53 min)
Tenants Victoria- COVID-19 Guide for Renters
AHURI- Renting in the time of COVID
Tenants Victoria- A step by step guide to Rent Reductions and Rent Relief Grants
Justice Connect- Dear Landlord
SHS training calendar for Semester Two
MARAM practice guides and resources
MH Vic- Semester Two training calendar
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
FEED Geelong- Where can I get emergency food in Geelong
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions
AHURI- 4th December at 12pm- Reforming rental subsidies to support low-income households
AHURI- 10th December- Pandemic policy responses for Australia’s housing market
Australian Parliament- October 2020-Inquiry into Homelessness Interim report
CHIA Vic Conference the 27th & 28th April, 2021
Victorian Youth Strategy – Engage Victoria-opened 1st October