SOURCE: PRObono News on 27th May, 2021
PRObono News- 17th May- $400M to deliver social and affordable housing across Melbourne
AHURI News- 12th May- Unpacking the housing measures in the 2020-21 Federal budget
PRObono News- 11th May- Homelessness Services welcome pre-budget funding commitment
The Guardian-11th May- Coalition tries to woo women with a federal budget that’s all about making amends
ABC Everyday- 12th May– Escaping domestic violence can be harder when you live in a small town
ABC News- 12th May- Technology- facilitated abuse is creating ‘terror’ in women, and it’s on the rise in Australia
The Age- 12th May- Only 10% of hotel homeless in permanent homes amid property shortage
PRObono News- 18th May- Budget responses, human rights- based approaches and costly youth justice reforms
APO- 6th May Our Watch- Respectful relationships education to prevent gender based violence
APO-28th April-Adaptable housing for people with a disability in Australia: a scoping study
National Shelter- ‘Moving On’ How do tenancies end in the rental market?
APO- 1st April- Report of the Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence
The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre training schedule
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Tenants Victoria- COVID-19 Guide for Renters
Tenants Victoria- A step by step guide to Rent Reductions and Rent Relief Grants
MARAM practice guides and resources
MH Vic- Semester One training calendar
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
FEED Geelong- Where can I get emergency food in Geelong
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions amendments to be introduced from the 29th March
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS training program
CHP- The Parliamentary Inquiry into Homelessness: Where to from here? – June 2nd at 12.30pm
Consumer Action Law Centre- Financial Recovery from Family Violence 10.30-1.00pm 23rd June
AHI- Future of Housing- A conversation with Hon. Richard Wynne MP-12th June 12.00-1.00pm
CHP Submission to the State Government 10 Year Affordable and Social Housing Strategy
VCOSS- Build on the Big Housing Build submission to the State Government 10 Year Affordable and Social Housing Strategy
National Youth Homelessness Conference- 15th and 16th June
Child Inclusive practice Forum- Family and Relationship Services Australia- 7th June
AHURI hybrid Conference- 20th May- Unchartered urban futures: Australian cities post pandemic
National Conference to end Youth Homelessness 15-16th June
YACVIC’s 2021 Forum and Youth Sector Conference 31st May to the 2nd June