SOURCE: Engage Victoria- Ten year Social and Affordable Housing Strategy for Victoria
ABC News- 20th January- Rental shortage results in drastic 600km move for former Gippsland-based family
ABC News- 2nd February- ABS data confirms a city exodus during COVID, with biggest internal migration loss on record
PRObono News- 3rd February- Rough Sleepers left behind during WA’s emergency lockdown
The Standard- 10th February- MP Roma Britnell calls for urgent action to address homelessness in Warrnambool
ABC News- 14th February- Rental prices rise, vacancies disappear as Snowy Monaro town struggles to balance new arrivals and workers
The Conversation- 11th February- States housed 40,000 for the COVID emergency. Now rough sleeper numbers are back on the up.
ABC News- 4th February- Daylesford residents shipping out due to lack of affordable housing during pandemic
PRObono News- 15th February- Australian government criticised for ‘hands off’ approach to pandemic policy making
ACOSS/UNSW- COVID-19: Rental housing and homelessness impacts– an initial analysis
The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre training schedule
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Tenants Victoria- COVID-19 Guide for Renters
AHURI- Renting in the time of COVID
Tenants Victoria- A step by step guide to Rent Reductions and Rent Relief Grants
MARAM practice guides and resources
MH Vic- Semester One training calendar
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
FEED Geelong- Where can I get emergency food in Geelong
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions amendments to be introduced from the 29th March
YMCA Victoria Youth Parliament – get involved applications close on the 19th March
CHIA Vic- Energy Efficiency in the Victorian Community Housing Sector
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness 23rd February Ending homelessness through Action Planning, Connections week and improvement teams
AHURI- Housing and Housing assistance pathways with pets– 3rd March at 11.00am
Engage Victoria- Ten year Social and Affordable Housing Strategy for Victoria– submissions from community members and organisations due on the 9th April
National Conference to end Youth Homelessness 15-16th June
CHIA Vic Conference the 27th & 28th May
CHIA Vic and CHIA National- Big Australian Housing Build Conference 27th and 28th April
Council to Homeless Persons- Submission to the Victorian Youth homelessness strategy- feedback requested by the 1st March.
Colac Otway Shire –2050 Colac Otway community vision survey– closes 31st March