Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 18 Feb 2021

SOURCE: Engage Victoria- Ten year Social and Affordable Housing Strategy for Victoria



ABC News- 20th January- Rental shortage results in drastic 600km move for former Gippsland-based family
ABC News- 2nd February- ABS data confirms a city exodus during COVID, with biggest internal migration loss on record
PRObono News- 3rd February- Rough Sleepers left behind during WA’s emergency lockdown
The Standard- 10th February- MP Roma Britnell calls for urgent action to address homelessness in Warrnambool
ABC News- 14th February- Rental prices rise, vacancies disappear as Snowy Monaro town struggles to balance new arrivals and workers
The Conversation- 11th February- States housed 40,000 for the COVID emergency. Now rough sleeper numbers are back on the up.
ABC News- 4th February- Daylesford residents shipping out due to lack of affordable housing during pandemic
PRObono News- 15th February- Australian government criticised for ‘hands off’ approach to pandemic policy making



ACOSS/UNSW- COVID-19: Rental housing and homelessness impacts– an initial analysis
The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre training schedule
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Tenants Victoria- COVID-19 Guide for Renters
AHURI- Renting in the time of COVID
Tenants Victoria- A step by step guide to Rent Reductions and Rent Relief Grants
MARAM practice guides and resources
MH Vic- Semester One training calendar
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
FEED Geelong- Where can I get emergency food in Geelong
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions amendments to be introduced from the 29th March
YMCA Victoria Youth Parliament – get involved applications close on the 19th March
CHIA Vic- Energy Efficiency in the Victorian Community Housing Sector



AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness  23rd February Ending homelessness through Action Planning, Connections week and improvement teams
AHURI- Housing and Housing assistance pathways with pets– 3rd March at 11.00am



Engage Victoria- Ten year Social and Affordable Housing Strategy for Victoria– submissions from community members and organisations due on the 9th April
National Conference to end Youth Homelessness 15-16th June
CHIA Vic Conference the 27th & 28th May
CHIA Vic and CHIA National- Big Australian Housing Build Conference 27th and 28th April
Council to Homeless Persons- Submission to the Victorian Youth homelessness strategy- feedback requested by the 1st March.
Colac Otway Shire –2050 Colac Otway community vision survey– closes 31st March

Previous news updates…

Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 7 February 2025

Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 7 February 2025

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Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 19 December 2024

SOURCE: AIHW 2024 Please join our petition to the City of Greater Geelong. There are over 7,000 households on priority applications on the Victorian Housing Register (VHR) in the Barwon broadbands. This petition is to support the urgency of building public and...




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