The 10- Year strategy for Social and Affordable Housing submission to the State Government was developed by the South West Local Area Services Network (SWLASN) and the Barwon Local Area Services Network (BLASN). The submission is attached and recommendations are included on the final page.
PRObono News-15th April- Opinion piece by Emma Morgan ‘Let’s get this done’
The AGE-8th April- Evictions ramping up with worst to come, tenants groups warn
ABC News- 31st March- Single mothers share what the coronavirus supplement has meant to them
ABC News- 30th March- Victoria’s rental laws have changed. Here’s what you need to know.
PRObono News- 1st April- A big problem requires even bigger solutions
APO- 31st March- Opportunity lost: half a million Australians in poverty without the coronavirus supplement
The Standard- 2nd April – Limited affordable and social housing in the south- west region.
PRObono News- 14th April-Women’s groups and unions unite to fight for women’s workplace safety
ABC News- 26th March- Rental listings soaring in some areas but renters still struggling to find affordable homes
APO- 1st April- Report of the Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence
The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre training schedule
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Tenants Victoria- COVID-19 Guide for Renters
Tenants Victoria- A step by step guide to Rent Reductions and Rent Relief Grants
MARAM practice guides and resources
MH Vic- Semester One training calendar
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
FEED Geelong- Where can I get emergency food in Geelong
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions amendments to be introduced from the 29th March
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS training program
Australian Institute of Family Studies- The social and emotional well-being of LGBTIQA+ young people- 28th April 1.00-2.00pm
National Youth Homelessness Conference- 15th and 16th June
Child Inclusive practice Forum– Family and Relationship Services Australia- 7th June
Give Where You Live homelessness grant information session 31st March with grants open on 29th March. Grants for $10,000 or $40,000.
AAEH-The Health, Housing & Homelessness COVID National Update Forum (housing outcomes for people sleeping rough (free)- 23rd April 11.00-1.30pm
AHURI hybrid Conference- 20th May- Unchartered urban futures: Australian cities post pandemic
National Conference to end Youth Homelessness 15-16th June
CHIA Vic and CHIA National- Big Australian Housing Build Conference 27th and 28th April
YACVIC’s 2021 Forum and Youth Sector Conference 31st May to the 2nd June