SOURCE: PRObono News –30th March Kneebone Cartoon
ABC News- 5th April- People left homeless by Northern NSW floods say they have ‘fallen through the the cracks’
The Guardian- 30th March- Scott Morrison says best way to help renters is to ‘help them buy a house’
The Conversation- 31st March- Is the budget good for women? The paid parental leave change takes us backwards and childcare costs were ignored
PRObono News- 30th March- First homeowners win big, but renters left behind
ABC News- 25th March- Illawarra caravan park residents facing eviction plead to have dignity respected
ABC News- 24th March- Liberal MP Wendy Lovell criticized for ‘clumsy’ social housing remarks in parliament
ABC News- 28th March- First home buyers to receive help in federal budget, more money for roads and car parks to be announced
ABC News – 30th March- Queensland flood victims say $6 billion flood relief in the federal budget doesn’t address immediate housing need
The Conversation- 24th February- Older women often rent in poverty- shared home equity could help some escape
SGS Economics & Planning-24th March- Social and affordable housing contributions: Developers must play their part in social housing
ANU- A Fairer Tax and Welfare System in for Australia– April, 2022
Tenants Victoria- COVID-19 Guide for Renters
MH Vic- Semester One training calendar 2022
FEED Geelong- Where can I get emergency food in Geelong
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
Australian Alliance to End Homelessness- training sessions including VI-SPDAT
Unhoused – campaigning for safe homes for Australian women
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Safe and Equal -5th April- Safe and Equal response to the Federal Budget
WIRE- Recognising and responding to financial abuse – 21st April
APO- 22nd March- COVID 19 housing market impacts and housing policy responses- an international review
AHURI- March 2022- ‘What works’ to sustain Indigenous tenancies in Australia
AHURI- March 2022-Understanding what attracts new residents to smaller cities
Joint legal assistance sector response to the Interim Report of the Social Housing Regulation Review- 25th February
Australian Government- published in February- State of the Nation’s Housing 2021-2022 Executive Summary
The Final Report – 17th February-Federal Government response to the Inquiry into homelessness in Australia
APO -17th February- Spaceless violence: women’s experiences of technology- facilitated domestic violence in regional, rural and remote areas
Mental Health Victoria- Dissecting the Federal Budget -5th April 12.30-2.00pm
AHURI – The relationship between precarious housing and wellbeing – 6th April at 2.00pm
Consumer Action Law Centre- Financial recovery from Family Violence– June 23rd 9.30am
Private Rental Commissioner wants to hear your stories of renting either as a renter or an advocate
Mercy Foundation- Upholding our Right to Housing at the UN
AHURI National Homelessness Conference 8th – 10th August