SOURCE: The Guardian- Australian election 2022 seat explorer
ABC News- 2nd May- Renters competing ‘Hunger Games- style as number of rental properties dwindles
ABC News-22nd April– Perth’s rough sleepers left out in the cold during COVID-19 despite two years of planning
The Guardian- 25th April- Thinking big helped Australia solve a housing crisis in the 1940’s. Can we do it again?
The Guardian- 13th April- Key Independents say they will push next Australian government to lift jobseeker payment
The Age- 27th April- Thousands call for homelessness help but the phones ring out as staff are swamped
The Council to Homeless Persons- 3rd May- Budget 22 slashes funding for rough sleeping program, leaving most vulnerable out in the cold
MH Vic- Semester One training calendar 2022
FEED Geelong- Where can I get emergency food in Geelong
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
Australian Alliance to End Homelessness- training sessions including VI-SPDAT
Unhoused – campaigning for safe homes for Australian women
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Transgender Victoria – training
Consumer Action Law Centre- Financial recovery from Family Violence– June 23rd 9.30am
Family Violence candlelight vigil – 4th May 6.00-6.30
Exploring Barwon-The Orange Door What is new and what do you need to know– 12th May 11.00am
AHURI- Driving population growth in regional cities– 18th May at 11.00
AHURI National Homelessness Conference 8th – 10th August