Crikey- 2 June- The worst of Australia’s housing crisis is yet to come
ABC News- 4 June- Homeless living in tents, caravans in Wangaratta as housing shortage intensifies
ABC News – 3 June – Australia’s homeless hidden in plain sight
ABC News- 4 June- Greens offer compromise to break Housing Australia Future Fund stalemate
The Guardian- 4 June- People are going homeless in this Victorian getaway spot. Could an Airbnb tax be the answer?
The Guardian- 25 May- Victoria’s austere budget leaves community service organisations fearing for their clients
ABC News- 28 May- Apollo Bay and Daylesford in battles to keep alcohol giants out of their towns
CHP Media release- 25 May- Mixed budget for Victorians without a homes
CHIA Vic Media release- 23 May- No plan for budget to tackle the housing crisis
Safe & Equal – 24 May- Victoria’s family violence response stays the course, but no end in sight for housing crisis
The Standard- 22 May- Homelessness rising, number of rough sleepers soaring
The Australian Inequality Index- Per Capita summary report May, 2023
Housing First train the trainer program through Homelessness Australia applications close on 16th June
MARAM Collaborative Practice Training- SAFV Centre
MH Vic- Training calendar Semester One
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
VCOSS- 13 June- VCOSS member briefing: Draft social services regulation
VCOSS – 22 June- Renters Rights Rundown: Making sense of evictions 11.00-12.00pm
Australian Lawyers Alliance- Panel discussion: A Police Ombudsman for Victoria 12.00-1.00pm
National Children and Youth Homelessness Conference on the 24 & 25 July
National Housing Conference 2023 AHURI in Brisbane on 10-12 October