Source: Cartoon by Fiona Katauskas the Museum of Australian Democracy’s 2023 Political Cartoonist of the Year
The Barwon South West Homelessness Network are seeking your support- sign a petition to the City of Greater Geelong to support the urgency of building public and community housing- Sign here
ABC News- 27 November- Housing shortage leads Pyrenees Shire Council to step in as developer to create Beaufort estate
ABC News- 26 November- Pets caught up in family violence find refuge in RSPCA program helping owners move out
ABC News – 19 November- No-one can escape this housing crisis- it’s coming for home owners too
Geelong Times- 1 November – New affordable housing units opened in Geelong
Consumer Affairs Vic- Rental stress support package
The rental and housing affordability crisis in Victoria– Inquiry November 2023 Victorian Parliament Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee
AHURI- 30 November- Understanding the drivers and outcomes of public housing tenant relocation
AHURI- 20 November- Mixed tenure neighbourhoods are a recipe for success when redeveloping social housing
Mercy Foundation – The Right to Housing as a human right August 2023
G21- Geelong Region Alliance- October 2023– Submission to the 10 Year Housing Plan
MH Vic- Training calendar Semester Two
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
RMIT –Driving action on homelessness through shared learnings ‘Lived Experience Practice Forum’ on 11th December 10.00-5.00pm
The Great Divide: Australia’s housing mess and how to fix it with Alan Kohler 5 Dec at 1.00pm
Barwon Mental health & well- being services connected to local health responses 4 December 1.30-4.30pm
AHURI – Adapting housing to climate change on 29 February 12-1.30pm
VCOSS- Community Sector briefing: What the Disability Royal Commission found 5th December 10.00-10.45
Council to Homeless Persons- October- Submission Developing the National Housing and Homelessness Plan
Safe & Equal – October- Rural and Regional Housing Statement
Victorian Government- Pride Events and Festivals Funds 2023-24 (up to $25,000)
Leading Change in Family Violence Symposium 4 December (early bird $390 closes 4 November)