Everybody’s Home – launch of ‘Written Off- The high cost of Australia’s unfair tax system on 31st January 1-2pm
ABC News- 16 January- St Vincent de Paul report calls for shake-up of power bills amid green energy equity fears
The Guardian- 9 January- Australian capital city rents up 13% over year as further hikes predicted for 2024 amid housing shortage
Surf Coast Times- 31 December- Women’s health services vital in shaping region’s future
Crikey- 16 January- Australians won’t see more public housing anytime soon. Here’s why
The Standard- 7 January- Warrnambool’s homelessness rate higher than many other regional areas, report shows
AHURI- January 2024- Spatial segregation and neighbourhood change
MH Vic- Training calendar Semester Two
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
PHN- Connecting Care Finder to the Aged Care Network Forum 15 February 9.30-4.00pm
AHURI – Adapting housing to climate change on 29 February 12-1.30pm
Barwon Legal Service- Law for Community Workers- Virtual Info Session- Renter’s Rights
AHURI- Australian Homelessness Conference -13th and 14th August at the Adelaide Convention Centre