Join Our Petition!
Please join our petition to the City of Greater Geelong.
There are over 7,000 households on priority applications on the Victorian Housing Register (VHR) in the Barwon broadbands. This petition is to support the urgency of building public and community housing, as housing ends homelessness. The Barwon Homelessness Network is seeking your support. Will you sign this petition?
Homes Victoria- update from the Ministerial Advisory Group
The Guardian- 2 Jan- Centrelink payments increase, passport fees up, import bans and pay rises: all the changes in Australia on 1 January
Premier of Victoria- 3 Jan- More Support to break the cycle of homelessness
ABC – 5 Jan- How the housing crisis is pushing domestic violence victims back to perpetrators
The Guardian- 2 Jan- Falling house prices and drop in Victorian rental numbers could mark rise of owner- occupiers
Geelong Times- 6 Jan- Program seeks funding to make it mainstream
ABC News- 8 Jan- Victoria’s Big Housing Build is tipping $5.3bn into social accommodation – not everyone’s happy with where’s its going
DFFH Annual Report 2023-2024 report (Pg 121) shows increase in social housing stock
Where You Can Eat – Feed Geelong
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Safe+Equal – training calendar
Barwon MARAM Collaborative Practice Training 4& 5 Feb 9.30-12.30
South West MARAM Collaborative Practice Training 25&26 Feb 9.30-12.30
Walter & Eliza Hall Trust – grant programs
The Jack Brockhoff Foundation – Bold Futures – Project Grants open in December
Barwon South West Homelessness Network- Increase public and community housing sign the petition