SOURCE: First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria – Treaty for Victoria
Join Our Petition!
Please join our petition to the City of Greater Geelong.
There are over 7,000 households on priority applications on the Victorian Housing Register (VHR) in the Barwon broadbands. This petition is to support the urgency of building public and community housing, as housing ends homelessness. The Barwon Homelessness Network is seeking your support. Will you sign this petition?
ABC News- 18 September- Government fails to bring a vote on its Help to Buy housing scheme
ABC News- 16 September- Government social housing fund green-lights first grants but Help To Buy scheme set to fail
Victorian Government Media Release- 11 September- Supportive Homes For People Sleeping Rough in Shepparton
ABC News- 15 September- Crisis accommodation and unemployment go hand in hand for this family
ABC News- 14 September- Housing crisis forces Queensland families to live out of motel rooms
The Guardian- 11 September- Manchester turns to ‘housing first’ scheme to eradicate rough sleeping
The Guardian- 9 September- My family and I are homeless in Australia, trapped in a vicious cycle of seeking help where none is available
The Saturday Paper- 7 September- The Greens’ housing policy failures
CHIA Vic- Everyone deserves a safe and secure home
VAGO –Withdrawal from Commonwealth Games – March, 2024
HYDDI workers training calendar for those working with young people
Disability Advocacy Resource Unit website
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Victorian Homelessness Network- Per Capita Webinar- 10 October 11-1pm (see attached flyer for zoom details)
PHN Geelong Homelessness Access Program Launch – 25 September 10.00-11.30
Exploring Barwon – 29 October- Child Protection (Responding to Safety and Wellbeing of Children)
Everybody’s Home– Online meeting: What we heard from the People’s Commission on Housing + What happens next- 11 September 7.30-8.30pm
Exploring Barwon- Barwon Child and Family Services Alliance 18 September 10.00-10.45
Australian Zero Homelessness Summit– 16 October Fremantle WA
Barwon South West Homelessness Network- Increase public and community housing sign the petition
Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation – Homelessness and Affordable Housing grant open