Source: Homelessness Australia Youth Homelessness Matters Day on Wednesday 19th April
Geelong Times- 31st March- Everyone deserves a home
The Conversation- 8th March- Australia has taken a ‘light touch’ with Airbnb. Could stronger regulations ease the housing crisis?
ABC News- 12th April- Why are rents in Australia increasing? The root cause may be more to do with COVID than interest rates and immigration
ABC News- 7th April- It’s touted as one solution to Australia’s housing crisis, but what is build-to-rent? And can it live up to the hype?
ABC News- 10th April- Australia’s rental crisis is especially tight on the Gold Coast. How can we free up empty homes?
ABC News- 1st April- GP issues plea for struggling patient who needs a roof over her head to help tackle health problems
ABC News- 4th April- South Coast community donates goods to set up Bruce Buchanan’s social housing unit
ABC News- 4th April– International students resorting to pitching tents in living rooms as rental shortage bites
Everybody’s Home- Priced Out: An Index of Affordable Rentals for Australia’s Essential Workers
VCOSS resources for renters on the changes to the RTA
Youth Homelessness Matters Day 19th April – Y Foundation resources
MARAM Collaborative Practice Training- SAFV Centre
MH Vic- Training calendar Semester One
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Transgender Victoria – training
CHP- Parity launch: Towards a New Child and Youth Housing and Homelessness Plan 19 April 10-1pm
VCOSS- The Renters Rights Rundown: Renting and family violence– 3 May 11.00-12.00
CHIA Vic- Human Rights Charter seminar for Tenancy Workers -18 April at 9.30
Per Capita Australia- The Australian Housing Monitor- housing affordability experiences, attitudes & appetite for change 60min recording
National Child and Youth Homelessness Conference on the 5th and 6th June
CHIA Vic Conference early bird registrations are open for the 26th and 27th April in Melbourne