SOURCE: Council to Homeless Persons State budget submission 2023-24
Tenants Victoria- 10th May- Some relief for renters in federal budget
Melbourne Zero- COVID taught us homes are the solution to homelessness by Peter Mares
The Sydney Morning Herald- 27 April- ‘Huge difference’: 60-day cap on short-term rentals recommended for Byron
The Guardian- 16 April- Living with density: will Australia’s housing crisis finally change the way its cities work?
ABC News- 4 May- ‘Cascade effect’ pushing people into homelessness after rental prices, property scarcity hits records
ABC News- 4 May- The Geelong suburb of Norlane is Victoria’s most disadvantaged area, census data shows
The Geelong Times- 18 November- Premier promises rent free new home for The Outpost
ABC News- 27 April- As the City of Greater Geelong’s financial struggles mount, who will foot the bill?
ABC News- 1 May- Can Labor solve the housing affordability crisis while lucrative property tax breaks exist?
AHURI- May- Sustainable social housing retrofit? Circular economy and tenant trade- offs
VCOSS resources for renters on the changes to the RTA
MARAM Collaborative Practice Training- SAFV Centre
MH Vic- Training calendar Semester One
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Transgender Victoria – training
National Child and Youth Homelessness Conference on the 5th and 6th June