SOURCE: Rhyll Montgomery – Barwon Homelessness Network Community Awareness raising event at 111-113 Little Malop Street Geelong. People are invited to come in, speak with a homelessness worker, fold a paper house and sign a letter to the Minister for Housing – Colin Brooks calling for a pipeline of public and community houses.
Thank you to the Barwon Homelessness Network (BHN) members that were able to attend the ‘houses at parliament’ event on the 2nd August to highlight the 6,000 paper houses as a representation of the homes needed to house the 60,000 households currently on the Victorian Housing Register and to call for a national housing and homelessness strategy. You can listen to the SBS News report of the event ‘The trauma of hidden homelessness’.
Congratulations to all that have folded a house for the campaign –here are some photos of the event and media coverage from the day!
Colac Herald- 2 August- Origami spreads word
ABC News- 8 August- The social housing waitlist has 175,000 people on it and waiting is ‘soul-destroying’
ABC News- 7 August- Housing for Australians over the age of 50 in the spotlight as regional areas seek solution
ABC News- 7 August- Landlord’s frustration at bad tenants as industry warns against rental caps, freezes
ABC News- 4 August- Gippsland family says flat pack bungalow helped daughter study, eased crowding at home
ABC News- 6 August- South-east Queensland is growing up- literally. But can the government’s housing plan get past our ‘fear of density’
SBS News- 2 August- Scale of national homelessness crisis on display
ABC News- 31 July – Solar panels on established public housing could save eager tenants like Dianne more than $500 a year
ABC News- 31 July- Caravan stay proposed to be extended as Great Ocean Road businesses spend big to house staff
ABC News- 3 August- Port Fairy school enrolments drop as rising houses prices force families out of tourist town
ABC News- 3 August- Experts highlight barriers to mental health support as major factor in youth homelessness
ABC News- 31 July – Geelong choir proving music and community are an antidote to loneliness
AHURI – 31 July – Understanding the housing policy levers of Commonwealth, state and territory, and local government
The fifth estate- 24 July- Unaffordable housing- it’s the politics, stupid!
Equity Economics– Double Return: How investing in social housing can address the growing homelessness crisis and boost Australia’s economic recovery
Mission Australia’s Homelessness and Stable Housing Impact Report 2023- A safe place to call home
MARAM Collaborative Practice Training- SAFV Centre
MH Vic- Training calendar Semester One
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
VCOSS recordings of webinars on Renters Rights Rundown: Making sense of evictions
Exploring Barwon: BATForce/Co +chat – How agencies can use the co-designed virtual support boards on 24th August at 2.00pm
Engage- Submissions to National Housing and Homelessness Plan are open and will close on 22nd September. National Housing and Homelessness Plan Issues Paper
Youth Foundations petition to develop a standalone national strategy to end child and youth homelessness
National Housing Conference 2023 AHURI in Brisbane on 10-12 October