SOURCE: CHP News 26 September
Council to Homeless Persons- 20 September- Housing Statement fails on social housing commitments
VCOSS -20 September- Everything we know (so far) about Victoria’s Housing Statement
The Age- 24 September- Premier says public housing maintenance would have cost $2.3B over 20 years
The Guardian- 20 September- Victoria expected to fast-track major development applications and introduce new rental protections
The Guardian- 23 September- By making a deal with developers on housing, Daniel Andrews may find it harder to negotiate with the Greens
Victorian Government – Victoria’s Housing Statement the decade ahead 2024-2034
ABC News- 23 September- Perth councils defend crackdown on people sleeping in vans amid nationwide rental crisis
ABC News- 21 September- Whether you’re renting or own your own home, here’s how Victoria’s changes might affect you
ABC News- 21 September- Eight years ago, Airbnb was a new platform with a hidden dark side. Now the warnings are sounding again over the future impacts of AI.
ABC News- 17 September- Calls for courts to better acknowledge family violence in property settlement cases
ABC News- 18 September- What does a build-to-rent scheme actually look like? And would it help renters find cheaper, stable homes?
ABC News- 18 September- Asking price of Melbourne rental increased twice in one day due to ‘greater than anticipated demand’
APO- 15 September- Future-proofing safety: COVID-19 and family violence in Victoria 2020-2021
Homelessness Australia- Critical Issues in Australia’s 10- year national homelessness plan
Homelessness Australia- August- Overstretched and overwhelmed: the strain on homelessness services
AHURI- August – Crisis accommodation in Australia: now and for the future
MH Vic- Training calendar Semester Two
Council to Homeless Persons – SHS Learning Hub
AAEH- Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Homelessness Australia- Ending homelessness for LGBTIQ+ on 4 October 12.00-1.30
Orange Door Family Violence and Child Well-Being Forum in Camperdown on 12th October
Orange Door Family Violence and Child Well-Being Forum in Portland on 9th November
VCOSS recordings of webinars on Renters Rights Rundown: Making sense of evictions
Everybody’s Home campaign #FairHousingFuture
Exploring Barwon Victims Assistance Program 18 October 1.00-1.45
Exploring Barwon Thrive: Vicarious trauma and worker wellbeing 31 October
Victorian Homelessness Conference early bird closes on 22 September for the 20 & 21 November
Engage- Submissions to National Housing and Homelessness Plan are open and have been extended to 20th October. National Housing and Homelessness Plan Issues Paper
Youth Foundations petition to develop a standalone national strategy to end child and youth homelessness
National Housing Conference 2023 AHURI in Brisbane on 10-12 October