PRObono News- 6th May- Housing first recovery put into sharp focus
The AGE- 4th May- Calls for surplus land to be used for public housing as pandemic bites
The AGE- 4th May- ‘We’re stuck here’: flawed laws under review as tenants problem’s mount
The Conversation- 24th April- The need to house everyone has never been clearer. Here’s a 2- step strategy to get it done
Housing Info- 29th April- Build public housing for 30,000 to boost Australia’s post crisis economy
The Conversation- 24th April- Why the focus of the stimulus package has to be construction that puts social housing first
Anglicare Australia- 28th April – National Rental Affordability snapshot
CBD News- 22nd April- Increase in homelessness despite government measures
The Conversation- 23rd April- renters are still left out in the cold despite temporary coronavirus protection
Victorian State Government -3rd May- Building Victoria’s recovery taskforce “ The Government will also seek the Taskforce’s advice on a pipeline of building and development projects over the longer term, including initiatives that further expand social housing options.”
The Saturday Paper- 25th April – Aboriginal community health’s success with COVID-19
AHURI Brief- 5th May- Has the impact of COVID-19 on cities and housing affected the incidence of family violence?
The Guardian- 2nd May- We have the right to expect government to do what markets cannot: social and economic protection for all of us
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights
With Respect- COVID-19 and Family Violence for LGBTIQ+ people
FEED Geelong– Where can I get emergency food in Geelong (see attachment)
Tenants Victoria- Residential Tenancies Update
SHS training calendar for Semester One (online courses open to all across the State- get in quick)
Consumer Affairs Victoria- the rental laws are changing
The Specialist Homelessness Sector Transition Plan Hub update on progress
COVID-19 health advice
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Advice in a disaster information on housing, evictions and tenants in crisis
Health Translations for people from diverse backgrounds
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions
CHIA Vic- 26th May- Introduction to the Residential Tenancies Act (Members $230/ $260)
MARAM Brief and Intermediate response online training for Mental Health/Homelessness/AOD workers through the Centre for Excellence training will be on-line those that have registered for the face to face delivery have been contacted directly request that they register for the online delivery.
Family Reconciliation Mediation Program (FRMP)-26TH May – youth worker and young person
The Victorian Homelessness Inquiry is still taking submissions due to COVID-19 it has been extended
CHIA Vic Conference the 27th & 28th April, 2021
The Federal Government Inquiry into Homelessness –submissions postponed
AHURI National Homelessness Conference in Canberra on 10-12 August registrations are on hold until a date can be arranged for 2021.
HAGG are running a survey and are interested in hearing from older people who rent