Homelessness Agencies are considered essential services and are continuing to deliver services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The moratorium on evictions is a positive news and the emphasis on property owners to be considering adjustments to rents for tenants impacted by COVID-19. Agencies in your region are struggling to meet the current requests for service and this is only going to increase as the impacts of COVID-19 continue to have an impact financially, socially and psychologically.
You can follow updates on the Barwon & South West Homelessness Network Facebook page
Barwon Homelessness Network Update – 1 April 2020
ABC News- 30th March- Federal Government offers $130b in coronavirus wage subsidies for businesses to pay workers
The Age- 26th March- Rough sleepers moved off street as homelessness tipped to spike
PRObono News-23rd March- Lobbying in the age of COVID-19
PRObono News- 25th March- ‘You can’t self-isolate on the street’
PRObono News- 23rd March- Government unveils stimulus support for charities
ABC News- 25th March- Proposed rental law changes to shield tenants during coronavirus crisis welcomed
ABC News- 29th March- Family violence perpetrators using COVID-19 as a ‘form of abuse we have not experienced before’
The Standard-25th March-South west family violence service is operating to protect victim- survivors amid coronavirus
The Guardian- 23rd March- Am I eligible for Centrelink payments? How to apply for the coronavirus supplement
ABC News- 24th March- Coronavirus pandemic could see house prices plummet by 20 per cent, economists warn
The Conversation-23rd March- Why housing evictions must be suspended to defend us against coronavirus
ABC News- 24th March- Renters desperate for relief as 1 million jobs set to disappear due to coronavirus
Vic Parks COVID-19 response: permitted operations includes (f) a person who requires emergency accommodation, including in relation to family violence and other vulnerable groups.
FEED Geelong– Where can I get emergency food in Geelong (last updated 31st March-see attachment)
Tenants Victoria- Residential Tenancies Update
VCOSS- 2020 Victorian budget submission- A State of Wellbeing
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions
SHS training calendar for Semester One (postponed delivery until after May)
Consumer Affairs Victoria- the rental laws are changing
The Specialist Homelessness Sector Transition Plan Hub update on progress
COVID-19 health advice https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
VCOSS- COVID-19 Plan for the Victorian Community Services sector V1 at 25th March (see attached)
Economic Justice Australia- 30th March- Claiming Centrelink during COVID-19 factsheet
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Advice in a disaster information on housing, evictions and tenants in crisis
Health Translations for people from diverse backgrounds
Cash flow assistance for NFP’s
CHIA Vic Conference on May 25th and 26th in 2020 (postponed)
The Federal Government Inquiry into Homelessness –submissions due on the 9th April
The Council to Homeless Persons submission to the Victorian Homelessness Inquiry
AHURI National Homelessness Conference in Canberra on 10-12 August registrations are on hold