PRObono News- 10th February- Why NFP’s need to look beyond successful pilot programs
The Sydney Morning Herald- 8th February- Having to ask for somewhere to live, it’s difficult indeed: ‘Single female and homeless. Australia’s shameful crisis.
ABC News- 10th February- Older Australians who own their own home more than 20 times better off than those who rent, data shows
PRObono News- 31st January- ACOSS and Greens call for a $95 Newstart rise
The Guardian- 2nd February- Man in the middle: Ken Wyatt on being caught between the Uluru statement and his party
ABC News- 3rd February- Jamming the revolving door of women in prison, Jill Prior is putting a new spin on lady justice
MH Vic News-10th February- Report on gender based violence in mental health facilities by ANROWS
The Urban Developer- 12th February- Finding Out? Social Housing pathways are limited: AHURI
APO News- 6th February- Children’s rights report 2019 from the Australian Human Rights Commission
Consumer Centred Housing- Focus Support (1 day) on 19th March in Geelong
MARAM training for Alcohol and other Drug Services, Homelessness and Designated Mental Health Services in Geelong on the 27th February
Specialist Homelessness Sector training for Team Leaders– Melbourne 26th &27th February
Consumer Affairs Victoria- Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act resources for community organistions
PAKO Festa –celebration of cultural diversity on Saturday 29th February in Geelong
SHS training calendar for Semester One
CHP draft paper for comments by early February Getting outcome measures right for the Specialist Homelessness Sector
Consumer Affairs Victoria- the rental laws are changing
The Specialist Homelessness Sector Transition Plan Hub update on progress
Council to Homeless Persons launch of the Specialist Homelessness Sector Workforce Capability Framework
CHP – Engaging young people experiencing homelessness
Lifeline DV-alert Recognise and respond to Domestic Violence in Geelong on 19th & 20th March
Trauma Acceptance Commitment Therapy Program Information session in Colac 25th February (see attached flyer).
3rd Asia Pacific Safe and Together Conference- Child centred family violence model in Melbourne on February 27 and 28
Mental Health Victoria annual conference 17th and 18th March
CHIA Vic Conference on May 25th and 26th in 2020
Victorian Inquiry into homelessness: Submissions to the Inquiry into Homelessness in Victoria have been extended until 16th March, 2020. An online submission form people and organisations that have experience with homelessness are invited to put forward suggestions to the Committee.
Employment Opportunity:
Salvation Army Housing Victoria– Housing Manager applications due on 24th February